List.this - multiple declarations

Function List.this

Constructs a empty List with allocator a.

this (
  List.AllocatorType a
) scope pure nothrow @nogc scope @safe;


    List!(int) list = DefaultAllocator.init;

Function List.this

Constructs a empty List

this (
  typeof(null) nil
) scope pure nothrow @nogc scope @safe;


    List!(int) list = null;

Function List.this

Constructs a List object from other list.

this(Rhs, This) (
  auto scope ref Rhs rhs
) scope scope
if (isList!Rhs && isConstructable!(Rhs, This) && (isRef!Rhs || !is(immutable(This) == immutable(Rhs))));


rhs other list of List type.

allocator optional allocator parameter.


    List!(int) list = List!(int).build(1, 2);
    assert(list == [1, 2]);
    auto tmp = List!(int).build(1, 2);
    List!(int) list = tmp;
    assert(list == [1, 2]);

    List!(int) list = List!(int).build(1, 2);
    assert(list == [1, 2]);
    auto tmp = List!(int).build(1, 2);
    List!(int) list = tmp;
    assert(list == [1, 2]);

Function List.this

Forward constructor.

this(Rhs, This) (
  auto scope ref Rhs rhs,
) scope scope
if (isList!Rhs && isConstructable!(Rhs, This));

Function List.this

Constructs a bidirectional List object from range of elements.

this(R, This) (
  R range
) scope scope
if (isBtlInputRange!R && is(ElementEncodingType!R : GetElementType!This));

this(R, This) (
  R range,
  List.AllocatorType allcoator
) return
if (isBtlInputRange!R && is(ElementEncodingType!R : GetElementType!This));


range input reange of ElementType elements.

allocator optional allocator parameter.


import std.range : iota;
    List!(int) list = iota(0, 5);
    assert(list == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]);