Template apply

Sefly dereference all args of types SharedPtr, RcPtr and IntrusivePtr and forward them to callable alias fn.

template apply(alias fn) ;

Ref args are copyied and non ref args are moved.

Contained Functions



import btl.autoptr.shared_ptr;
import btl.autoptr.rc_ptr;
import btl.autoptr.intrusive_ptr;

import core.lifetime : move;

static class Foo{
	ControlBlock!(int, int) c;
	int i;

	this(int i)pure nothrow @safe @nogc{
		this.i = i;

	~this()pure nothrow @safe @nogc{
		i = -1;

	auto a = SharedPtr!long.make(42);
	auto b = RcPtr!float.make(3.14);
	auto c = IntrusivePtr!Foo.make(123);

	assert(a.useCount == 1);
	assert(b.useCount == 1);
	assert(c.useCount == 1);

	int i = apply!((scope long* x, scope float* y, scope Foo z){
		assert(a.useCount == 2);
		assert(b.useCount == 2);

		a = null;
		b = null;
		c = null;

		assert(z.i != -1);
		//x, y, z are still valid until end of the scope.

		return z.i;
	})(a, b, move(c));

	assert(i == 123);