Function IntrusivePtr.get

Get reference to managed object of ElementType or value if ElementType is reference type (class or interface) or dynamic array.

inout inout(IntrusivePtr.ElementType) get() pure nothrow @nogc @property @safe;


static struct Foo{
    ControlBlock!(int, int) c;
    int i;

    this(int i)pure nothrow @safe @nogc{
        this.i = i;

IntrusivePtr!Foo x = IntrusivePtr!Foo.make(123);
assert(x.get.i == 123);
x.get.i = 321;
assert(x.get.i == 321);
const y = x;
assert(y.get.i == 321);
assert(x.get.i == 321);
static assert(is(typeof(y.get) == const Foo));