Function SharedPtr.element

Get pointer to managed object of ElementType or reference if ElementType is reference type (class or interface) or dynamic array.

ElementReferenceTypeImpl!(GetElementType!This) element(This)() pure nothrow @nogc @property @system
if (!is(This == shared));

If this is weak expired pointer then return null.

Doesn't increment useCount, is inherently unsafe.


	SharedPtr!long x = SharedPtr!long.make(123);
	assert(*x.element == 123);

	x.get = 321;
	assert(*x.element == 321);

	const y = x;
	assert(*y.element == 321);
	assert(*x.element == 321);

	static assert(is(typeof(y.element) == const(long)*));

	auto x = SharedPtr!(long[]).make(6, 42);
	assert(x.element[0] == 42);
	static assert(is(typeof(x.element) == long[]));

	auto s = SharedPtr!long.make(42);
	const w = s.weak;

	assert(*w.element == 42);

	s = null;
	assert(w.element is null);

	auto s = SharedPtr!long.make(42);
	auto w = s.weak;

	scope const p = w.element;

	s = null;
	assert(w.element is null);

	assert(p !is null); //p is dangling pointer!