Function BasicString.replace

Replaces the portion of the string that begins at character pos and spans len characters (or the part of the string in the slice slice) by new contents.

ref typeof(this) replace (
  const size_t pos,
  const size_t len,
  scope const BasicString.CharType[] val,
  const size_t count = 1

ref typeof(this) replace(Val) (
  const size_t pos,
  const size_t len,
  auto scope const ref Val val,
  const size_t count = 1
if (isBasicString!Val || isSomeChar!Val || isSomeString!Val || isIntegral!Val || isCharArray!Val);

ref typeof(this) replace (
  scope const BasicString.CharType[] slice,
  scope const BasicString.CharType[] val,
  const size_t count = 1

ref typeof(this) replace(Val) (
  scope const BasicString.CharType[] slice,
  auto scope const ref Val val,
  const size_t count = 1
if (isBasicString!Val || isSomeChar!Val || isSomeString!Val || isIntegral!Val || isCharArray!Val);


pos position of the first character to be replaced.

len number of characters to replace (if the string is shorter, as many characters as possible are replaced).

slice sub-slice to be removed, slice must be subset of this

val inserted value.

count number of times val is inserted.


	BasicString!char str = "123456";

	str.replace(2, 2, 'x', 5);
	assert(str == "12xxxxx56");

	BasicString!char str = "123456";

	str.replace(2, 2, "abcdef");
	assert(str == "12abcdef56");

	BasicString!char str = "123456";
	BasicString!char str2 = "xy";

	str.replace(2, 3, str2);
	assert(str == "12xy56");

	BasicString!char str = "123456";

	str.replace(str[2 .. 4], 'x', 5);
	assert(str == "12xxxxx56");

	BasicString!char str = "123456";

	str.replace(str[2 .. 4], "abcdef");
	assert(str == "12abcdef56");

	BasicString!char str = "123456";
	BasicString!char str2 = "xy";

	str.replace(str[2 .. $], str2);
	assert(str == "12xy56");