Function Vector.opAssign

Assigns a new value rhs to the vector, replacing its current contents.

void opAssign (
  typeof(null) rhs
) scope;

void opAssign(R) (
  R range
) scope
if (isBtlInputRange!R && is(ElementEncodingType!R : ElementType));

void opAssign(Rhs) (
  auto scope ref Rhs rhs
) scope
if (isVector!Rhs && isAssignable!(Rhs, typeof(this)));

Parameter rhs can by type of null, Vector or input range of ElementType elements.


    Vector!(int, 6) vec = Vector!(int, 6).build(1, 2, 3);

    vec = null;

    vec = Vector!(int, 42).build(3, 2, 1);
    assert(vec == [3, 2, 1]);

    vec = Vector!(int, 2).build(4, 2);
    assert(vec == [4, 2]);

    int[3] tmp = [1, 2, 3];
    Vector!(int, 6) vec = tmp[];
    assert(vec == [1, 2, 3]);

    struct Range{
        int i;

        bool empty()(){return i == 0;}
        int front()(){return i;}
        void popFront()(){i -= 1;}
        //size_t length(); //no length

    Vector!(int, 6) vec = Range(3);
    assert(vec == [3, 2, 1]);