Struct List

List is a container that supports constant time insertion and removal of elements from anywhere in the container.

struct List(_Type, _Allocator, bool _supportGC = shouldAddGCRange!_Type, bool _bidirectional = true) ;

Fast random access is not supported. It is usually implemented as a linked list

Template parameters:

_Type = element type.

_Allocator = Type of the allocator object used to define the storage allocation model. By default DefaultAllocator is used.




this (a) Constructs a empty List with allocator a.
this (nil) Constructs a empty List
this (rhs) Constructs a List object from other list.
this (rhs, ) Forward constructor.
this (range) Constructs a bidirectional List object from range of elements.


allocator[get] CopyTypeQualifiers!(This,AllocatorType)Returns copy of allocator.
begin[get] auto
cbegin[get] List.ConstIterator
empty[get] boolReturns whether the list is empty (i.e. whether its length is 0).
length[get] size_tReturns the length of the list, in terms of number of elements.


back () Returns a reference to the last element in the list.
backCopy () Returns a copy of the first element in the list.
build (allocator, args) Static function which return List construct from arguments args.
contains (elm) Same as operator in
emplaceBack (args) Appends a new element to the end of the bidirectional list. The element is constructed through emplace.
emplaceFront (args) Appends a new element to the begin of the list. The element is constructed through emplace.
front () Returns a reference to the first element in the list.
frontCopy () Returns a copy of the first element in the list.
moveBack () Move of the first element in the list and return it.
moveFront () Move of the first element in the list and return it.
opAssign (rhs) Assigns a new value rhs to the list, replacing its current contents.
opBinaryRight (elm) Operator in
opCmp (rhs) Compares the contents of a list with another list or range.
opDollar () Returns the length of the list, in terms of number of elements.
opEquals (nil) Compares the contents of a list with another list, range or null.
opIndex () Return slice of all elements.
popBack () Pop the last element of the bidirectional list, effectively reducing its length by 1.
popFront () Pop the last element of the bidirectional list, effectively reducing its length by 1.
proxySwap (rhs) Swaps the contents of this and rhs.
pushBack (range) Extends the List by appending additional elements at the end of list.
pushFront (range) Extends the List by appending additional elements at the end of list.
release () Erases and deallocate the contents of the List, which becomes an empty list (with a length of 0 elements).


AllocatorType Type of the allocator object used to define the storage allocation model. By default DefaultAllocator is used.
append Alias to pushBack
clear Erases and deallocate the contents of the List, which becomes an empty list (with a length of 0 elements).
ConstIterator Const iterator for list.
ElementReferenceType Type of reference to elements.
ElementType Type of elements.
hasStatelessAllocator True if allocator doesn't have state.
Iterator Iterator for list.
opOpAssign Operator ~= is same as append/pushBack
prepend Alias to pushFront
put Alias to pushBack


import std.range : only;
import std.algorithm : map, equal;

static struct Foo{
    int i;
    string str;

List!(Foo) list;


list.append(Foo(1, "A"));
assert(list.length == 1);

list.append(only(Foo(2, "B"), Foo(3, "C")));
assert(list.length == 3);

list.emplaceBack(4, "D");
assert(list.length == 4);

list = List!(Foo).build(Foo(-1, "X"), Foo(-2, "Y"));
assert(equal(list[].map!(e => e.str), only("X", "Y")));

assert(list.length == 0);